Church Marketing for Christmas: Avoiding the Trap of the Urgent

Christmas is fast approaching, and whether you’ve been planning your services for months or are just diving into preparations, this is one of the busiest times of the year for church marketing and ministry. This season impacts every department, but it can especially weigh on your church communications team as they juggle increasing requests and mounting urgency. The sheer volume of tasks in promoting Christmas services, events, and outreach can make it easy to get swept up in the chaos, leaving little room to focus on long-term church marketing goals.

In the midst of this pressure, I want to encourage you to take a step back. While it’s important to meet the immediate needs of Christmas marketing and communication, it’s just as vital to set aside time to pursue your bigger, strategic objectives. Without careful planning, the short-term urgency of seasonal promotions can easily eclipse your long-term vision for your church’s communication strategy.


As you navigate these challenges, I invite you to read this excerpt from The Tyranny of the Urgent by Charles E. Hummel provided by the C.S. Lewis Insititute. This thought-provoking piece explores how urgent demands can often rob us of the time needed to focus on what truly matters. As your church communications and marketing workload intensifies this season, Hummel’s wisdom can help you identify the difference between what’s urgent, what’s important, and how to keep God at the center of that process.


Finally, as we go through this busy season, let’s remember to seek God’s guidance in setting our priorities. Church marketing during Christmas can be overwhelming, but when we allow God to direct our steps, we can trust that our efforts will not only be effective but also aligned with His purpose. Let’s take moments to pause, reflect, and ask for His wisdom in managing our church marketing strategies and tasks so that we can be faithful stewards of the ministry He’s entrusted to us.


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My Name is John Mann. I started Axio Social to help churches utilize marketing and communications to grow their congregations 1 visitor at a time.

John Mann

John is a photographer turned social media marketer. He is also the founder of Axio Social.

You can reach him at 


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